手 机:133-3877-4902
电 话:0510-83238387
地 址:无锡市钱桥镇晓丰社区胜星路2号
Core Values: Credit Management, Quality Priority, All-Win Cooperation and Social Responsibility
Credit Management: Credit is the primary core value of us, as well as the guarantee for our enterprise’s sustainable development. We trust and respect each other with our customers, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders. On this basis, we are expecting a long-term and all-win cooperation model.
Quality Priority: We deeply develop the value of supply chain, optimize the supplier system and ensure the quality and stability of the supply side. We carry out the lean management and achieve excellent quality competitiveness by innovative research and development management, total quality management and standardized operation.
All-Win Cooperation: We promotes the all-win cooperation mindset as the active guideline of every employee. We have been striving to achieve the maximum comprehensive efficiency and all-win cooperation whether in teamwork or in cooperation with customers.
Social Responsibility: We have abandoned the traditional business philosophy of viewing the profit as the single goal. Instead, we emphases on creating sustainable revenues for customers, employees, other stakeholders, environment and society. We are committed to green manufacturing, energy conserving and emissions reducing, environmentally protecting, which reflect TENGYUAN’s social responsibility.
Mission and vision: TENGYUAN aims to be a global trusted and century-old enterprise which views innovation as the driving force of sustainable development and creates value for society, customers, shareholders, employees.
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